That Pesky 10 Pin!!!

Some tips on how to carry that pesky old 10 pin when you keep leaving it over and over.

First you will have to identify how the 10 pin was left. Was it a ringing 10 or a flat 10. You can tell this by watching the 6 pin. Does it wrap around the 10 pin very fast or does it just slowly tip to the side. 

Depending on this will depend how to make your adjustment.

First the flat 10.

A couple of things can cause the flat 10. It either lacks entry angle and deflects after hitting the pocket or the ball looses its energy and the ball has nothing left as it hits the pocket and also will deflect. So to help with this – the entry angle needs to be changed a bit. Try hitting the 1-3 pocket a little higher meaning a little more on the head pin and left of the 3 pin. This will help the 3 hit the 6 a little more to the right which should allow the 6 to do its job of knocking out that 10 pin. Try moving to the right with your feet just a bit and/or step up on the approach about 18 inches to slow the ball down a bit. This will cause the ball to hit a little for on the head pin to carry the 3 into the 6 just the way it needs to.

Now the ringing 10.

This of course is just the opposite, a little to much angle at the pocket and the 6 pin is wrapping around that 10 pin cause the 3 pin to hit the 6 at an angle causing the 3 to hit the 6 to much to the left of the 6 causing the 6 pin to wrap around the 10 pin. The fix for this is the opposite. Stand back on the approach about 18 inches and/or move left with you feet a bit. This will cause the 3 to go into the 6 a little more right and should carry that 10 pin. 

For lefties, this of course would be the opposite, instead of the 3 and 6 pins listed above your looking at the 2 and 4 pins when it comes to leaving the 7 pin. 

Now there are many different bowling styles, speed, revs and other factors. So there is a no sure fire adjustment to carry the 10 every time. This is just a good guide on where to start and really works well most of the time. Good luck and let me know how it works for you!